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Who What When Where Why and How in Project Management

The 5W + 1H method is so basic that even toddlers apply it spontaneously. Yet, asking questions about who, what, when, where, why and how in project management is also one of the most powerful ways to reduce risks and guarantee a higher success rate. The key is to ask the right questions, and that can be challenging. With the many examples below, we set you on the right track…

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E-invoicing mandatory in Europe? - Prepare for the upcoming years

In the upcoming years, e-invoicing will become mandatory for European companies. What does that mean for you as a small or medium-sized business owner, self-employed individual, or freelancer? Here are 7 questions and answers.

Feel free to click on any of the 7 questions about e-invoicing in Belgium and Flanders to immediately read the answers.

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Time Registration: A Key Component of Project Management

When you concentrate on a task of a project, hours can seem like minutes. And the other way around. Time registration is the only system to know how long your team actually worked. When done properly, it’s your best guarantee for a timely completion of projects. And that results in happy customers…

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Alternative for Teamleader? Comparison CoManage versus Teamleader

Teamleader and CoManage are business applications. Both software tools reduce the administrative workload of companies and freelancers.

There are many differences and similarities between Teamleader and CoManage. In this article we help you find an answer to the question: is CoManage a good alternative for Teamleader?

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The advance invoice - Everything you need to know about it as an entrepreneur

An advance invoice can be very useful for you as an entrepreneur when you often deal with long-term projects or when you need to purchase materials in advance. Below we will discuss what are the possible reasons to make an advance invoice, we will show an example of an advance invoice, all the things you need to mention on it and we will start with what it actually is:

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